Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Saman Weekend

Hey readers! Havent posted anything in a while huh? anyway my weekend was all about Saman dance. Its a traditional aceh dance that we were supposed to perform on sunday for the year 9 and 12 graduation ceremony, held at the Ballroom of Horison Hotel, Bandung. On saturday, we went to school to practise our ass off in the music room and in the auditorium until the afternoon and on sunday, we went to Horison at 10ish and had a rehearsel there aswell. Me and my friends went to Utie's house after the rehearsel. We got ready there and her sister helped us with our make up. It was so much fun lol then we went to Horison again and did our thing!
Yesterday, which was monday, i was so tired and i woke up at 9. Then i got news from the girls that theres gonna be a traditional dance competition yesterday at 2pm. Holy macaroons! We were all so exhausted but we wanted to win so i hurried myself to school. We all practised again and performed at 2.30pm cause we were busy with our make up as usual :p anyway, they havent annouced who won yet but i hope its us!
I woke up at 5am this morning and did my History Remedial Assignment. I'm gonna go to school again to give me Math and History assignment and im gonna redue my English reading and Religion exam for remedial huhu yeah i flunked it :( so sad.. anyways the biology result hasnt came out. I think it'll be out today and whatever happens, i'll probably get my bio remedial today aswell cause i dont wanna waste anymore of my holiday! Today will be the last day of school for me cause i'll do all my remedials today which means that from tomorrow, my real summer holiday is starting. Tomorrow is my sister's 1st degree graduation in Law. 
MAY MAY MAY. So much things happening in may and the pitbull concert was just the beginning!
P.S those pictures above are me and my friends in our Saman Dance outfit!

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