Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good evening, readers!

Hey there! I havent posted anything in 2 days. Been kinda busy lately with school stuff and usually im already sleepy at 8pm but i just took a shower so im feeling really fresh tonight! Well i think i might just collapse on top of my bed in about like half an hour or so lol! So theres nothing new here. Just the same old life, living my life as a normal 16year old teenager with normal loving friends and girly saturdays and twittering, and... school lol just the same routine that i do everyday except for one thing: no boyfriend. Yeah where can i find a good one? should i just stay here and wait? cause sometimes i really need someone to care for me especially when im in a bad mood. But getting a true one would be kinda difficult. Anyways as you all know im fucking excited for next week cause it'll be Pitbull's concert at Tennis Indoor Senayan, May12, 2010.
Heres a picture of him. My love. So hot omg such a hot latino and he's bald which makes him even hotter!
He's from Puerto Rico (i think). Yeah i have a great feeling that he's puerto rican. Which totally makes him more hotter cause ive learnt about Puerto Rico for my social studies project in primary school!

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