Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

Good morning readers! Woke up at 5 today idk why lol. I didnt go to school yesterday and i wont go today either because im going to jakarta! Yes people, its THE day that i've been waiting for! It's pitbull's concert oh thank goodness its finally here! Anyways Chia is still hospitalized at the hospital so i'm watching with my bff Antia! Im super duper sad  for Chia but i'm happy that Antia is finally watching it. She's been joining the KUDA quiz on twitter and stuff but didnt win. She just couldnt get the tickets until yesterday when i found out that Chia wont be going to the concert with me :( anyways me, antia and my family had seafood last night and we were all so freaking full thats why we all slept early. I even slept at 10.30pm O_o wow!
I'm totally excited for today. So my plans are:
Gonna go to jakarta at like 11ish, then gonna stop by at antia's house, get ready for the concert, eat eat eat until we have a hundred percent of energy, meeting my sister's friend to get the tickets from her (cause i bought it from her), then finally off to tennis indoor.
I'll post about the concert tomorrow. But for now, wish me a great day please! A fun, safe, concert that i'll be dancing to all night long! Write to u guys soon.

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