Thursday, May 20, 2010

4 down, 1 to go

Guess what fellas? today was the fourth day of my final exams and like tomorrow is the last day then im free! Say hello to my 2 months summer holiday! So freakin excited for everything! I hope things go out as planned. So anyways i should be studying for tomorrow but im not cause tomorrow's tests are Computer and Traditional Language. Oh god, i dont even know what to study anyways so i wont study.
I'm kind of excited for my class' Saman Dance Performance. The year 9 and 12s are having their graduation ceremony at Horizon hotel on sunday and my class (the greatest 11b) are gonna perform Saman Dance. Its like this traditional Aceh dance. Its super cool. Check it out on youtube or something!
I love saman practise. Its so much fun. Cause i've always loved dancing so yeah haha but this one's traditional. I'm thinking of joining salsa aswell. With my friend. We're gonna check out the place hopefully next week. So this month has been a blast so far. Pitbull: check. Saman performance: coming up in 2 days. My sister's university graduation: on wednesday. And finally, the one i've been waiting for which is my summer trip with the family: coming up in a week. Super excited! God please make it all smooth! Amin..

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