Friday, May 14, 2010

Its Friday Night

Hey readers! Guess what? I got 5 followers! Rofl Rofl Rofl Rofl Rofl ok im proud of it. Cause it seems like no one reads my blog anyways but i just keep on writing so i wouldnt forget all my memories in life. But 5 followers? come on! i should get an award for that. Im totally improving right? lol :p
 So its friday night! I just finished my private math course. So not ready for monday but i just want to get it finished. Today, was technically the last day of school cause like on monday its the final exams already so today was like the last day of studying at school.
Shit my face is so oily. I'm gonna take a shower after this, then watch tv until i fall asleep.
I'm currently watching Pitbull- live in jakarta on youtube at the moment. As you all know, i'm really insane about the whole pitbull thing. He's just so fucking sexy oh my god looking at him just wanna make me cry. I could just melt in a second. Its friday night and i love spending my friday nights at home, sleeping at dawn just watching tv. 
Talk to you later guys!

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