Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Great Sunday

Good morning, readers! How are u all doing in this fine lovely sunday morning?
Last night, which was saturday night, i didnt go to Kampoeng Jazz after all. I just became lazy all of a sudden. I took an afternoon shower at 3 omg, i was full of lazyness (okay how do u spell that lol).
So i spent it alone at home with my blackberry and tv, cause mom and dad were out.
Wondering why i titled this post "The great Sunday?" well its the last sunday that i'll be having fun. I mean from next week, everything will change in my life cause next week its all about studying hard for the final exams that'll be held in the next 2 weeks. Well next week is actually TOMORROW. Tomorrow is monday so it'll mean that the final exams are starting in a week from tomorrow! Whoah! And that sets off from me being an 11th grader. I'll be a 12th grader soon and then its COLLEGE. Oh my goodness life really goes fast.. But im super excited for Pitbull's concert thats coming up in... 3 DAYS! Hell yeah baby! I'm watching it with my friend, Chia.
Anyways, tomorrow my one and only bff for life, Antia is coming to bandung! She's gonna sleep over until wednesday so i'll be going to jakarta to drop her off at her house, since im also going to jkt for pitbull's concert! There's gonna be sour sally there. Super excited, i think its gonna be massive. Ive got to figure out what im gonna where lol :p
I dont really have any plans for today but i think im having dinner somewhere out with the family. I cant wait till 2 weeks time cause its my sister's graduation! And umm insya allah i'm gonna go on a holiday with my lovely family! Oh yes, as i told you before, so many things are happening in MAY and i hope it'll all be happy memories, amin................
Catch ya later!

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