Friday, June 12, 2009

whats in a little girl's mind

Happy friday everyone! hehe right now i'm eating verry berry yoghurt. Not going anywhere today, not yet planned. But tomorrow, i'll be going to school to take my repot card with my mom. Wow we'll see the score. I'm not nervous or anything, because school hasn't been really like my most important thing you know. I mean some people would kill for awesome grades and stuff right. Call me stupid or weird but i just don't think of school that seriously. Well afcourse, my number one priority is school but i dont take it too seriously. I try my best on exams and projects, but I dont sleep at midnight because of studying. No no thats so not me hehe. I focus on things i like to do which are my hobbies. I will be thinking about school when i'm in year 12. Right now i'm only in year 10. And this september, i'll be in year 11. So i think i'll just get down to business when i'm in year 12 you know. Figuring out my future and studies because UN is like right in front of me. I've never been so serious in school subjects either.

And my mom isnt so phsyced if i get bad grades. I mean, good or bad grades, thats just me lol and she's not angry at me for it. She's not a mother who wants their daughter to have A+ at school. I mean afcourse she does, but like i dong have to. She's also not the kind of person who's like "if you dont get a good score, you can't go out!" or this or that. No, shes not like that :) which is why i feel so blessed for having her as my mom. She's like the greatest mom in the world! She's also my fashion icon because sometimes i get my fashion inspirations from her! She should be a designer, actually. She's good at drawing and designing stuff. Even my house, is like designed by my mom! She takes care of everything around the house. From the garden to the kitchen! She's such a superhero lol. So anyway, i think my mom should be a designer, except that she doesnt follow her dreams. She took law. And that's why i'm gonna follow her dream. I'm into fashion and i want to be a fashion designer. I know i know, here in Indonesia there are less chance of being successful if becoming a designer. But you know what? i dont care. I'm gonna follow my dreams! Hehe so this kinda sound a little cheesy but whatever. And if not a designer-- i want to become anything in the fashion industry. I really wanna be a fashion stylist in Teen Vogue magazine. Starting off with something simple maybe. And i'll increase my capability and soon i'll be the editor in chief? haha in my dreams right :) thinking about my dreams makes me happy. I so can't wait for college. I cant wait to get out of this country and search the country of my dream! La Voi La, Paris it is!

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