Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How are all of you pretty people doing?

Hello readers! It's good to be back. Year 12 has been one heck of a bumpy journey and the ride's not over yet. I've been busy with school assignments, home works and after-school courses. Everyday is very tiring for me that I rarely have time for myself. Well thank god that I just got myself a modem for my laptop so I can go online more often now and I don't have to do it on my home computer.
Anyway, I wanna share something that I haven't shared. So the 26th of September was my birthday right! Happy birthday to me haha anyway I'm so glad to be 17 now. I've already made an ID card and a driver's license. And yes, it feels so good to have one! Well for my birthday, my sister bought me a pink Ipod. I'm thankfull for that cause I needed an Ipod so much. To make my life even more funner than usual lol. And from my parents, they got me a Macbook Pro! I'm currently typing on it as I speak at the moment. Gadgets are the best! Especially when the gadgets are new and fresh. It feels so good to follow the new era and follow trends. Anyway I needed a laptop and I've always wanted one since like the day I was born haha okay that's a little too exagerating huh but I feel that way! So thank god they finally gave me one. Now I can have everything privately. Oh it's good to be back on this blog. I promise I will still update each week :-) Have a great night, everyone!

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