Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Saturday Night

Hey readers! Happy Sunday morning. It has been a while since my last post. Anyways last night was so much fun. I had a girls night out with my lovely girls and we had Arisan at Redbean.
So anyway at 3oclock, we watched Sex and the City 2 which was FABOLOUS! Loved it! So entertaining!
Then we went to Redbean and had an early dinner there, followed by Arisan.
Then we just hung around Pvj which the surroundings were very ugh as usual lol ugh in the meaning of its boring but because im with the girls, i had loads of fun. 2 girls couldnt make it though which sucks cause i miss them both :( And we went at around 9ish which was omg so early lol we always go home early if we hang out at malls. If we hangout at like restaurants, we usually go home later. But good thing Widya stopped by at my house first. We gossiped for about half an hour then she went home. Well i cant wait till the next Arisan! Oh and im hoping that we'll have a sleepover soon. Its been a while since the last sleepover which is at my place, like always lol. Hoping this time to be at my other friend's place.

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