Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hasta La Vista July!

Good morning ladies and gents! Its 6.12AM at the moment. I woke up at like 5 idk why lol I guess its cause I slept early last night. So today's the 1st of July! Pretty excited that September is coming up. Wohoo I really can't wait till my birthday! Anyway, this month on the 17th it'll be Antia's birthday (she's gonna be 17 aswell) and on the 27th it'll be mommy's birthday! So who else are having their birthday this month?
So for mom's birthday, I'm still thinking of what I should get her but so far, here's my idea! Since she loves Haagen Dazs, I'm gonna get her a box full of Rasberry Haagen Dazs in it lol. Won't it be fun to open it!!!! I hope she'll be thrilled. And I'll also get like flowers or something lol.
Ok so at 9oclock, me and my mom and dad are going to Jakarta. Mom has her arisan at noon but I think I'll join her or something hmm idk and then we'll pick up sis at Sultan Hotel at like 7ish. I hope she won't be late cause we hate waiting!
This is my story for today. I hope it'll be a fun day for me. Adios amigos!

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