Monday, April 26, 2010


So i thought i wasnt going to go to school today but turns out that i did after all. I mean the possibilities of me skipping school is so little now seriously man. Today was the day of the year 12 announcement of who passes the national exam and who doesn't. It was nerve racking. And i heard that 6 students failed. Omg its so sad i really hope they'll pass the remedial examinations. Everyone totally deserves to like graduate with a smile on their face! I really hate it that here in my lovey dovey land of INDONESIA, we can only graduate highschool if we pass our national examinations. I mean, dude wtf its so hard especially after they increase the level of the examinations and like the minimum score is 6. Omg and next year it'll me my generation's turn. Seriously man im so scared but i know i can do it. Im kinda studying serious since like about 2 months ago though :p Anyways im in a fight with my mom and sister cause they were totally pissing me off last night when i went home jesus creepers. I was effin tired and they thought it was like instant and easy for me to guess the color!? my brain's shockwave had enough already, gawd. Just came home from school. Took a shower and now blogging. Have a wonderful evening to all of you! XO

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