Thursday, April 29, 2010

2Days of Alone

The title says it all! My parents (mommy and daddy) and my sister, A.K.A the WHOLE family member except for me are now in jakarta. Doing something idk but like im all alone at home in bandung so im pretty bored. Got home from school at 3.30pm earlier today then i took a shower. I waited for my tutor to come at 4 but got a text from her saying that she couldnt come cos she had to do this research thingy, since she majors in medical school. Shes gonna become a doctor someday. Wow right, so cool. Anyways i just watched desperate housewives and ate and like after that i went on to computer and here i am until now still surfin the net! I checked out facebook first then finally here i am (again) writing a blog for today. How i love having a blog. Its sort of um like a diary but its electronical and, i wont ever loose it. Tomorrow is friday. Thank god its friday omg! Im gonna have my chemistry course again with my tutor but we're gonna study at Ooh Lala cafe instead of my house. Fun right! Any fucking way, i was wondering. How do i follow other people's blog? i have no clue. Can somebody tell me how? anyone? desperate to know here cause reading my own blog is somehow.... sad and boring haha. Talk to u guys later! Have a great wednesday evening!

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