Saturday, February 5, 2011

Holla Holla Holla!

Finally! It's Saturday and it's my leisure time right now. And as you all know, my blog is more of like my very own virtual diary so maybe you might think it's retarded for me to tell every single stories that's happened in my life LOL. I'm actually doing this to keep my memories noted though. Sometime in the future, I would wanna look back and read all the important things that I've shared on my blog and I'll probably laugh about it haha.
Anyway I'd like to tell you about the new years eve! Yes people, it's a whole new year right now but I haven't shared stories on how I spent my new years eve with. And with whom did I spent it with? MOM & DAD! We went to this new years eve dinner party at Hotel Geulis Dago. Personally, I thought the foods were HORRIBLE but the party was sort of fun. After midnight, we watched fireworks and took pictures and stuff and went home.
So on the holidays, I started practicing my driving again and about 2 weeks time, after I finally had the guts, I started to drive the car by myself to school! The first 3 days it was a lot of fun and I had a really good time. But after a week, I started to realize that driving is kinda tiring after a while LOL but still, my Ipod is always there to accompany me so I usually sing in the car and enjoy myself and the road haha!
On the 29th of January, I joined my very first university test. I took TELKOM and on the 4th of February, the announcements went out and it said "DWINA WIRAPRADJA: ACCEPTED IN TELKOM FOR A DEGREE IN COMMUNICATION" And I was so happy! I chose 2 majors which was International Business and Communication and because of God, I have been accepted to Telkom for a degree in communication! I was a bit bummed because I didn't get the International Business but I believe that god has planned everything for me, which means that International Business isn't the right thing for me yet so I was still grateful for the Communication degree because now, I can be more relaxed since I have one university option in my hands. I just need to focus towards UAN and on other university tests.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Happening!

Hello everyone. I haven't posted anything since like last year. I even missed January and I didn't post anything that happened then. I will post pictures for memories though. I haven't even opened my blog in such a long time because I haven't refilled my modem in about 2 months or so. It sucks to live without internet but thank god I still have the internet from my phone which is literally on for like 24 hours a day lol.
Happy Chinese New Year to every chinese people out there! I love china! I love chinese foods and the people too afcourse. I miss Hong Kong so much. If I were there, I bet I'll get loads of angpao and like watch the annual firework celebration at night with my family. Or go out for dinner in some nice and awesome place. It's just so magical there. Everything seems like heaven! I truly miss it so much.
Okay so there are a couple of things that you guys missed from my life lol. Stuff that happened during my off-laptop time. Things that happened in January are:
-The New Years Eve
-Indonesian Literature Assignment
-Telkom Test
-Pribadi Cup (Basketball and Cooking)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Scarlett Johansson for Mango


My very first strawberry cheese cake that I made! It doesn't look that bad right? And it surprisingly tastes really good! Mom and dad loved it!

American Pizza by me! It doesn't tastes that bad as well. In fact, it's pretty good!
Totally satisfied!

Today is a hot Sunday. I'm not liking the weather so far cause the sun is too bright. I HATE, I repeat, HATE this kind of heat and this kind of sunlight. It makes me mad cause like it's too bright and it makes me dizzy! But other than that, I'm still having fun since it's the holidays. I have to enjoy every minute of it as possible!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Olivia Palermo and Johannes Huebl

Oh my gosh. I love them! They're such a cute couple. They're soul mates and totally meant for each other! Yes I'm a huge fan. Firstly I was a fan of Olivia cause of her fashion sense. But now, her german model boyfriend is always around her and he's definitely good looking! I love them both! I'm not jealous of Olivia cause they both fit each other! Like seriously, they're both very good looking and high fashionable. I'm just hoping the best for them until they get engaged and married!

Beautiful Greece

Aren't these pictures beautiful? To me, these are wonderful. It has always been my dream to go to Greece and Egypt. I've never been to both countries. I love historical places. It's alot more romantic than big city places.
My dream honeymoon is to go to either Athens, Greece or Cannes, France. I love dreaming and I can imagine going to both places with my future husband (amin). The summer breeze will definitely make me smile all day long. I'll be sailing, chilling by the beach, shopping, taking pictures, and visiting beautiful buildings that has been there for centuries. Athens is a historical place and I love world history so there's no problem for me to learn their culture and history on my honeymoon lol!
Hope it comes true!
Anyway, you can see that the sea water is like very clear and blue. The sky is so refreshing. I think it's one of those places where its's hot but also windy. And I LOVE it because it's the perfect weather for me. The buildings in Athens look very historical, yet modern. I don't know why but the architecture just looks amazing. Very white and blue. Dear god, it's such a beautiful place! Take me there one day please amin..

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging

So I watched this movie called Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging this morning on HBO. It's a british teen drama movie. I love teenage dramas! They're usually corny and girly and that's why I love it! And by the way, this is one of the funnest movie ever seen! Read the highlights on google and buy the Dvd, girls!
When I still lived in Jakarta which is in like year 6 and 7, I loved this teen drama tv show on Nickelodeon called Girls in Love. It's such a fun girlish movie. Both are awesome british movies that I reccomend all of you to watch! Usually, I don't really like british movies cause idk why but I just love American dramas better but like this movie is as good as American dramas so like you should all watch it! Definitly fun to watch before you go to bed, or at a sleepover lol. The movie's kinda sad aswell so there are a lot of emotions by watching this.